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HomeCoronavirus (COVID-19)What is this Coronavirus COVID-19: The truth of the disease!

What is this Coronavirus COVID-19: The truth of the disease!


What do you know about this Coronavirus that is spreading worldwide? Without a doubt, you might have already heard the disease! So, what are the actions that you are going to take when you notice you have transmitted the virus?

Furthermore, there are a lot of health tips which people should be aware of these days. Then, it will cause you to protect your own health as well as ensuring the safety of the other loving ones who live around you.

In contrast, there is not a specific medicine to solve this matter yet. Therefore, it requires much more researches to do! However, we expect the investigations will be able to find a proper solution quickly! Until that point, all the people who live in the world have the responsibility to give their highest contribution to avoid this unfortunate.


Get an understanding of the virus

Before everything, it is better to get a good understanding of the virus, COVID-19. After that, we can get ready to be safe in front of this unfortunate condition.

Moreover, the clinical name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2, and it is a shortened term for ‘severe respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’. It is not familiar with the immune system, and it started from a family of a virus which caused some diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory (SARS).

Besides, it will take the name ‘COVID 19’ after a patient contracts the virus.

Get an understanding of the virus

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Why is it hard to take the exact number of Coronavirus patients?

It is quite difficult to calculate the exact number of coronavirus patients, and it has several reasons too. For example, testing the patients will be carried out with a lot of delays as there are a considerable number of patients at the hospitals right now. In contrast, the lack of treatment methods for this COVID-19 has become another reason to make the condition more complex.


Why should you limit your trips these days?

There are a lot of safety actions that you should consider at this point. If not, it will lead to a lot of problems. They are,

Being lost in an unknown country. Unless you receive the luck to go back to your country, you have to wait in that country you traveled for further testing.

When the other travelers get sick, you have to stay at a foreign port if there is no choice.


Travelers should take the required steps to avoid this unfortunate. As the first step, go as an individual traveler as he can minimize the transmission of the virus with the help of good habits.

Furthermore, he will be able to follow proper hand hygiene. As well as that, try to control the contacts with other people who are sick. These kinds of actions will lead to minimizing the transmission of the virus.

Second, consideration is so important when you are selecting the country to go and be aware of the current condition of that specific country.



Without a doubt, Coronavirus is a big treat world now. It is essential to provide the people’s consideration to stop this unfortunate. Moreover, the patients are the primary source in which the COVID-19 spreads. Therefore, the patients should stay away from other people and take appropriate medical treatments to control the disease.

I wish you a healthy life!


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